Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Moonbattery: Pawlenty and Huntsman for Mandated Health Insurance

Willard Romney isn't the only RINO with 2012 aspirations who has backed the appalling concept of the government imposing health insurance. Tim Pawlenty and Jon Huntsman carry the same lead in their saddlebags:

One thing statists of any party can agree on is that if you want Big Government to keep metastasizing, you want more bureaucratic coercion in the healthcare field.

None of these liberal weenies is likely to have a fire in the belly when it comes to repealing ObamaCare.

Via Hot Air, on a tip from AC.


Posted by: Spider at June 5, 2011 9:06 PM


Posted by: SPURWING PLOVER at June 5, 2011 9:09 PM

Ahhhh Yes, the elusive RINO. Utah is full of them. Richy Rich Huntsman being one of the best. Mike Leavitt is another fine example. These phonies learn early on around here that Mormons don't vote for the other guys. If you want a political future in Utah, or the votes of its citizen's, It requires the "dual labels". Actual belief structure not required.

Posted by: Kondor at June 5, 2011 9:12 PM

Ryan is a good kid, but O would eat him alive. Sarah is too much about Sarah, hasn't put in the hard work of prepping herself for a run, and ain't about to take a veep slot again.

ALLEN WEST, baby. THAT man would make mince meat out of the Teleprompter In Chief. WITHOUT notes!

Posted by: Wyatt's Torch at June 5, 2011 10:27 PM

Well, Dr. Walter Williams is on the record saying that BO will easily win a second term. His reasoning is sound, based on sustained and increasing Leftist demographics, and it shows just how very lost this country is.

I've said for years now that Leftist ideology is weak and easily defeated by anyone with a strong foundation in conservative philosophy. There are several people who fit this bill, and who could, in fair debates (ie. an unbiased media -- impossible, I know) absolutely destroy the tin-god, Obama. I do like Allen West. I do like Paul Ryan. I've always liked Bobby Jindal. But sorry to say, Palin, Cain, and to some degree, Romney, Pawlenty, and Huntsman are largely political clowns and not true statesmen. They would do nothing but possibly take a few mphs off the speed at which this country drives itself off the cliffs of insanity.

That said, I have heard Thaddeus McCotter (Rep. MI) explain the dire state of affairs a couple of times now, and I'm quite impressed. He has a book, Seize Freedom, that I will read soon. He is presently not in the running, but he is considering it. He is a real "unknown," and while he may not be a political pretty boy, he seems to be strongly grounded and a true statesman. So, at this point, my ticket for '12 is McCotter/West. Of course, Dr. Williams's assessments are probably accurate, so all of this may be just academic musings as the country inevitably heads toward self-imposed ruin. Hope not.

Posted by: Anonymous at June 5, 2011 11:15 PM

That "Walter Williams" letter was proven a fraud. I AGREE with most of what it said in terms of why Obama still has a shot at getting elected, but Dr. Williams didn't say it.

I see no one but West who has the strength of character to do this job.

Posted by: Wyatt's Torch at June 5, 2011 11:22 PM

West has command authority and he is a soldier, a fighter, and a leader of men .. he is also very well read, does his homework and appears to have a real and abiding faith .. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

I have also heard Thad McCotter and I agree he is very impressive, married with 2 children, he's a very smart man, very knowledgable politician and has some real experience. I'm all for him.

Mitt, Pawlenty, and Huntsman won't get the nomination, they are just Beltway boys trying to catch the brass ring, going around in circles.

Sarah Palin has a heart of Gold, that's why she is so popular with the people. I'd back her if it came down to it, I'm waiting to see what happens.

Posted by: JooJooB at June 5, 2011 11:52 PM

What Pawlenty said 5 years ago isnt as important as what he says now. If he says after further examination and seeing what Romney Care is doing to Mass. he now knows its a bad idea thats one thing. But if he says he is still open to it and says it, then he should quit running now.

Huntsman is a non factor like Trump.

As for Romney, no matter what he says now I wont vote him even if he wins the nomination. He had his chance to say something like this "I once thought mandated healthcare was a good idea so I tried it in Mass. Its now on the road to disaster and I now know its a bad idea as is ObamaCare which is my old plan on steroids." But Romney keeps digging himself deeper but continuing to infer it was and still is a good idea.

On the downside, as much as I like what Palin says, if she gets the nomination, Obama will get a 2nd term - her negative poll numbers in the general population are in the upper 60s.

Posted by: Winston Smith at June 6, 2011 4:49 AM

I completely agree with Wyatt, Alan West is the man we need. He is a leader, he can think on his feet and make the right decision as well. No other potential or actual candidate is in his league, in my opinion.

It's too bad that Romney went down the wrong path. He was good for Massachusetts when he was Governor. He tried to stand up to the overwhelmingly DemocRat legislature but the odds were against him. Thanks to FatBoy Teddie Kennedy, the flood of illegals into this country and Massachusetts made the state fund that reimburses hospitals go dry. Romney's decision to go with a health insurance requirement was bad from the get-go, but it was designed to help prevent hospitals from going bankrupt. Well, here's the result of that attempt, and be assured, it will happen on the national level if Obamacare isn't repealed in its entirety.

Posted by: Son of Taz at June 6, 2011 5:39 AM


Which makes FOUR of the declared RINOS in favor of CompulsionCare.

I call the current crop of RINOs the Field of Queens.

WAR ON ERROR 2012 !!


Posted by: Ummah Gummah at June 6, 2011 6:57 AM

I hate to say this but it looks like I'll be staying home watching Benny Hill instead of voting this year. When it comes to comedic clowns Benny is much better at it than the GOP. The GOP Kabuki will not get me to hold my nose and pull the handle this time.

Long live Barry the First! King by Allah and the hand of the GOP.

Posted by: chuck in st paul at June 6, 2011 8:03 AM

Pawlenty and Huntsman were never serious contenders, they have always been RINOs and always will be.

CAIN/PALIN 2012. One stomps the guts out of Barack Osama and the other stomps the piss out of Gaffes Biden.

Posted by: Conan at June 6, 2011 8:34 AM

West "without notes" Wyatt?

You are dreaming.

Look at the West speech video in the earlier thread, he's reading that speech from notes. You can see him place his notes on the lecturn in the first seconds of the video.

Posted by: lao at June 6, 2011 8:41 AM

Posted by: lao at June 6, 2011 8:42 AM

Health insurance is a human right. When white tea party racists attempt to hoard all the insurance for themselves they are basically telling minorities and the working poor to hurry up and die.

Universal insurance is only a half measure. The entire for profit medical system stinks. It is time to restore medicine to the people and put them before profit. Profiting from another's sickness is unsavory and disgusting.

You will have to get used to helping your neighbors out and making good lifestyle choices which don't strain the people's health system. Social justice will never be acheived without socialist medicine.

Posted by: G?nther at June 6, 2011 10:31 AM

Posted by: Henry at June 6, 2011 10:58 AM

"Could" without notes, and I'm confident in that, if only because of his opponent. At least he doesn't make himself look stoopid with a teleprompter. So West had some notes? How extensive were they? Full text of the speech; was he turning pages and obviously reading? Or maybe a few bullet points to make sure he didn't miss something? "Notes" doesn't mean much. Abraham Lincoln wrote out the Gettysburg Address.

Posted by: Mr Evilwrench at June 6, 2011 12:09 PM

troll poop clean up in aisle three!

Posted by: chuck in st paul at June 6, 2011 12:43 PM


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