Imagine having your salesperson promoting you and your business 24/7. And that this individual works tirelessly without any kind of income or perks. or perhaps complaints, ensuring that you get the publicity you need.
Now imagine that your own customers are actually willing to pay your own salesperson for his efforts as well as tend to be overjoyed to get the info he offers. As well as that this information makes you and the business a home name for your customers.
This salesperson is your own brand new book ? a perpetual motion sales machine that drives publicity and eyeballs to your site and your business. A book that makes you out to become the expert in the field, gives you authority over your own competitors and engages your customers as never before.
Having a book instantly gives you expert status as well as brands you as someone who knows what they tend to be talking about. If that book is about your own business, even better, because it will make you the ?go-to? individual that your own customers will choose whenever they require the solutions you offer.
You can make the own book and have it published so that your customers can pay money to download and read it. Even if you price your own book low, you not just get customers that are actual customers and have shelled out good cash, however tend to be actually looking for the exact solutions you offer.
Your book can also get you free publicity due to the fact the media likes experts and often calls on them for quotes or interviews whenever they need to fill in a slot. Simply send a press release for your book that is tied into a hot news item as well as capitalize on the free surge of traffic as well as publicity that will get you.
You don?t even have to send book proposals to publishers or read depressing rejection slips. Self-publishing is the newest rage in publishing and will get you instant recognition as a published author.
Imagine the pride whenever you can send the clients and customers, family and friends to your own bookstore link where they can download the new ebook or perhaps order the paperback.
There are few aspects more thrilling than holding in your hands, a copy of the brand new print book, with your name as the author. As a published author, you will command a brand new respect from the family, colleagues and customers.
If you play your cards right, the new book can bring in targeted leads whom pay you for high-end services and products. Many authors have built booming businesses on the success of their books as well as the backend sales that resulted.
The amazing thing is that you can do this without ever needing to write a word. Getting a ghostwriter to write the book for you is a perfectly acceptable method to get a new book to market.
Consider hiring a good writer experienced in the field of writing for self-published authors, so that you can get the quality you need at a fair cost.
When you decide to make a book to showcase the expertise, a world of new opportunities will open up for you and your own business.
Contact us to make a book that will brand you as an expert and get you more clients and customers.
Priya Florence Shah is a former journalist, editor, online publisher and content marketing consultant.
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